SUWAKO(1) - FreeBSD General Commands Manual # NAME **suwako** - Command-line client for SimplyTranslate # SYNOPSIS **suwako** \[**-f** *from*] \[**-t** *to*] \[*input*] # DESCRIPTION Self-explanatory, besides, this was made as a rewrite from a shell script that had curl and awk for dependencies. It fully serves as a drop-in replacement. # USAGE **-f** > Input language to translate from. > Default is 'auto' **-t** > Target language to translate to <input> > Text to be translated # SEE ALSO suwako.conf(5) # AUTHORS Izuru Yakumo <[](> # BUGS You cannot translate the string "version", this is a direct consequence of using flaggy. FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p4 - December 16, 2023